
Ragazzi Continuo Presents:

All Will Shine!

A Virtual 10th Anniversary Concert


June 12, 2021

5 PM Pacific


Ragazzi Continuo celebrates 10 years of music with a concert of our favorite pieces from the past decade. Rehearsing and recording remotely using the Jacktrip Foundation’s groundbreaking Virtual Studio technology, Continuo has been able to sing together in real-time without needing to worry about the delays and poor sound quality expected from Zoom, FaceTime, and other digital communication mediums. Joined by singers across the country, from Hawaii to the Northeast, Continuo welcomes new and returning members to celebrate its 10 year history with our dedicated local audience in the Bay Area, as well as choral music fans around the world. Hear familiar melodies, such as Shenandoah, Dedication, Down in the River, and Franz Biebl's Ave Maria, as well as the premiere of entirely new arrangements.

"All Will Shine" will be pre-recorded and streamed on our YouTube channel at 5 PM PDT on Saturday, June 12. The program will make use of YouTube's Premiere feature to ensure that viewers from all over the world can watch and experience the performance together. Each piece was recorded while singing together live using Virtual Studio. It is a unique honor to be able to sing as an ensemble during times of quarantine, and to share this joy with our dearly missed audience. The location is more convenient than ever, and the seating at home beats even our favorite church pews, so join us online on the 12th for our second virtual concert! All viewers are welcome to join Ragazzi Continuo on Zoom after the premiere to toast the group's history, and chat live with the singers. A Zoom link will be provided in the video description on YouTube.

Streaming through YouTube!